
Eating like there's no tomorrow

Well hey there Friend! Are you enjoying the last days of 2010? I have to say my tummy is enjoying these days! I've been spending some Q-time with friends and family and Q-time usually involves food. Why is that? I guess ya gotta eat right?

The other day, I went out for lunch with some of my favorite co-workers/friends. I LOVE these ladies. They are the chocolate chips to my cookie batter. They make my world sweet and I really adore each and every one of them.

We met at our usual place: Cheesecake Factory! It's our tradition to meet there for every birthday.... this time, we celebrated Jesus' birthday!

I ordered the Renee's special, half salad, half chicken salad sandwich, and I subbed the soup for fries.... don't judge.

I ate half of everything. AND.... get this... we didn't even order cheesecake. THAT was a struggle! I love their Red Velvet it's like heaven on a plate. But, I was good.

I did get THESE sweets! I heart them so!

The pillow was HAND-made with the leftover fabric from a wedding project. Thanks Mary! And the apron and spatula are from Jen who always has thoughtful gifts for me! I wish I had a picture of these two because they are some of the bestest friends I have... but they are camera shy. I'll catch them one day....

That night, my Kuya wanted to hang, so we went shopping at Victoria Gardens. I bought a cute plate for my blogging adventures! Pics to come!

We ate at Joe's Crab Shack! YUM! I LOOOOVE me some crabs! We were seated under this guy...

That's the bottom side of a shark if you can't tell.... perfect place to sit no?

The table decor is uber-chic... you dump your scrappies in the bucket there and the roll of paper towels give it a nice touch!

They also give you some tools. A cracker, a slicer, and a wet nap. I keep forgetting to steal that slicer.

We started with the crab dip... I've had better, yet I stuffed my face with this.

Then came our steampot.... hold your seahorses my friends, this ain't no joke.

King crab legs, snow crab legs, a juicy sausage, two red potatoes, corn, shrimp, and a partridge in a pear tree. It was Crab-a-licious!

We ended our sea adventure with this bad boy.

Good thing I ran 3 miles that morning! I totally felt guilty at this point.

The next night, the hubster and I went to Yardhouse with these Incredible  friends!

They look fun because they ARE fun!

I ordered these two winners! Spicy tuna roll and Lettuce wraps... healthy and happy hour prices cheap! Yahooo!

Good times.

Our incredible night was ONLY Round 1.... New Year's Eve will be Round 2.... oooooo you wont wanna miss this... our New Year's parties are EPIC and they're hosted by yours truly... post in the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!! Enjoy it!

Here are some fun Filipino Superstitious things to keep in mind for New Year's eve:

1. Wear polka dots... it's a sign of good luck
2. Have money in your wallet. Don't leave it empty or it'll be empty all year.
3. Throw coins in the air when midnight strikes. This money dance is like a rain dance... hope for money in the new year!

Christmas Recap Part Dos!

Hey Bloggerinos! How's it hangin'? We're inchin' closer and closer to the New Year! How exciting! Just when I got the hang of writing 2010...we have to change it to 2011!

Christmas Recap part 2:

Hubsters and I decided that we really wanted to spend Christmas morning together since it was our FIRST official Christmas together.

I guess we can't be glamorous even when waking up on Christmas morning, eh?

I made a yummy combo of PB and banana French toast, eggs over medium, and BACON! GLORIOUS BACON! SOOO good yet soooooooooooooooooooo bad!

My French toast mix Ingredients:
eggs (amount depends on how much I'm making) 1-2 for each slice of bread
2-3 tablespoons of Almond milk
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
healthy sprinkling of cinnamon

We also had fresh squeezed Oj using our new juicer!!

We even treated Sonic to a special breakfast! Kibble (he eats Iams Naturals), one fried egg (no oil), and 2 Beggin' Strips.

Am I crazy for giving him is own Christmas placemat? Yes.

Afterwards, we scurried on over to Hubs' Grandparents' house. It was filled with family, love, and food. It was definitely a change from my usual 5 person dinner on my side. (I don't have much family close by.)

I have FOUR first cousins in total... This is ONE side of Hubs' family. Jealous.

I spent a lot of time digging in the spinach dip bowl (his Aunt makes a MEAN spinach dip.)and sippin' on some pinot with the ladies.

I was excited because this was my FIRST Christmas having Hubby's family made TAMALES!! They were DE-lightful!

There was juicy ham in that crossiant!

After dinner, came dessert!

And picture snapping!

There was a lot of laughter in their quaint little home. It was so much fun to watch and participate. There was also a wrapping paper fight that lasted almost 15 minutes! They meant biz-ness!

Hubby's mom thought I was scared, but in reality, I was looking for paper to throw.

THEN, Santa came!! whoo hoo!

Hubs and I got some great gifts!! My in-laws got us a very generous  gift card to Ikea. They heard about the dresser we needed :)

My brother and sister in-law got me a cute Hello Kitty watch!!

Hubs got some movie tickets and a dvd. Coincidentally, this movie was what we watched on one of our first dates!

The adults also played a hilarious game of White Elephant, but I didn't take pictures... I was enjoying myself way too much!

Family Christmas was extra fun this year!

Does your family play White Elephant?

Christmas Recap Part 1

Hi Friends! Happy Holidays to all of you! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and you got everything you wished for!

It's weird, the older I get, the less I want and the less I feel "Christmasy." I didn't really ask for anything this year from Santa, but I was thankful with everything I received and even more thankful for all the time I got to spend with my, now bigger, family.

This year, my Christmas was filled with Family, Food, and Fun!

Christmas Eve- My Side

Our Holiday officially started with a trip to Victorville to visit my family. My mom greeted us with a "simple" lunch. She said she didn't want to spoil our dinner, so she ONLY handmade some vegetable Lumpias (eggrolls) and made a quick pot of Adobo Ribs...She's amazing.

Sooo good!

The rest of the day was spent GAWKING at our Wedding pictures that were just sent to us by our photographers!! OHHHH MYYYY!!!! EPLove are THE best photographers in the world. They did an awesome job! Here are some of my favs!

My Handsome Hubby

The handsome GMs

I felt like a princess!

My beautiful girls!

Beautiful Us...

I want to post all of them, but I want you to visit EPLOVE's blog... they're AMAZING and so much fun to work with. I heart you Rog and Lyndzee!!

Back to Christmas Eve, there was also some Gawking at my mommy's decorations!

My own Christmas tradition is to count the presents! Especially the ones with my name on the tag :)

 I also spent time with this booger...

"When can we open pwesents?"
"Santa wont come until after dinner."

For dinner, my dad made a amazing prime rib... hell to the yeah!

While my mom made lobster pasta... we livin' the life!

Bon Appetite! We tried to take a family picture!

We broke tradition and opened presents a little early this year... or should I say watched Sebby open presents.


We all were happy with what Santa brought for us!

Apron for Dad (He loves to Grill!)

Clothes for mom... that she hand picked herself.

Apple Gadgets for Kuya (We missed you Katrina!)

Basketball Tickets and books for Hubby

And me? I got two FANTABULOUS purses... one for junk.

And one to help get rid of the junk in the trunk.


Dig the socks?

I love my family!

Hubs and I went home really late and when we got home it was already past midnight. I pleaded with him to open our gifts to one another!! I won! hehe

Excuse my sleepy face. I fell asleep on the car ride home.

Sonic even got a lil sumpthin' sumpthin'... new water bowl! He also got "bacon" and eggs for breakfast!

Part 2 to come!

Did you all have a fun Holidays?