
40 weeks of waiting

Today is Baby's due date. I am sitting here very impatient and über-uncomfortable. I know it is very rare for babies to be born on their due date but I guess I just thought I'd be holding Baby by now. Something like 5% of babies are born on their due date so I shouldn't be surprised that it didn't happen yet. I'm just bummed.

These past couple of days have been filled with lots of nesting, sugar bingeing, and curious texts and phone calls from loving family and friends. Hubby is now home from work for the month and he really did a number on the closets in our house. It looks fabulous. I helped a bit, mostly by cheering him on from the couch. I also took time to go through my wedding junk. For the record, I was married two years ago. It feels nice to dump all of the RSVP notes. I guess it was about time I did huh?

 As for the sugar binges, I made pumpkin white chocolate chip cookies...twice in one week. I'm not ashamed because they are so damn good. Post the recipe soon.

And speaking of pumpkin, someone on Instagram (my preggo brain fails me at the moment)posted their amazing combo from Yogurtland the same day they opened a Yogurtland across the street from me. It was a sign that I had to go and try it. Best decision I made all week.

Pumpkin yogurt with Cinnamon Toast Crunch, graham crackers, and white chocolate chips. I die. So good.

Hopefully Baby V will be here next time I post. Tomorrow I have a non stress test and we are in talks about an induction date next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!


  1. omg! i went 40 weeks and 4 days until I was induced for low fluid levels. Hope your little one will come by him/herself :) i cannot wait to see him/her! good luck!

  2. Hope Baby V arrives soon - even though I know you're getting uncomfortable, you're still looking fabulous!

  3. You look amazing, you really do, I adore that last photo of you!
    I hope you are well and I can't wait to see your treasure :).

  4. You look great! so so exciting! I'll be thinking about you!! xoxo
    PS - we totally have the same exact iPhone case!!

  5. You look amazing lady!! I hope baby V arrives soon!! We can't wait to meet him/her!

  6. You look so great!! I hope baby arrives for you soon :) I am 39 weeks and am not looking forward to reaching 40 haha
    Very exciting! Can't wait to hear the good news!

  7. I can only imagine how frustrated and uncomfortable you are! I hope Baby V hurries up and gets here ASAP! I know how ready you are to meet your baby!!! Now that I'm no longer on bed rest, I've been nesting too...and overdid it today. :( I made two batches of pumpkin spice walnut cookies last night! :) They are so good. I was actually planning on keeping one batch for myself and sharing the other, but now I'm second guessing myself and thinking I might keep both. They're almost too good to share! Good luck on your NST! Hoping you won't need those induction plans.

  8. I can't wait for Baby B! And for the pumpkin cookie recipe. I stand by theory that you need to just have tons of sex- conception to birth full circle. Even an infant would feel uncomfortable and want out of that situation. Kidding, kidding ;)

  9. you are just the cutest!!! has the baby come yet??

  10. I LOVE yogurtland!!! Well, all things frozen yogurt to be honest : ) You look wonderful, and I hope that you have a stress free joyous birth! Can't wait to see the first baby pictures : )

  11. Those cookies look SO good! Has baby come yet?! Hoping your absence means YES!!

  12. Umm I want/maybe need that cookie recipe asap.
    And I love yogurtland. Pretty much on the brink of obsessed.


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