17 May 2011

Resolutions 2011 Revisited

It's been four months since I made my New Year's Resolutions. I need to revisit them...because I forgot them. I've been busy. I've been doing other things. I have work to do. Umm... are those enough legit excuses to make you believe that I'm sorry? I can think of more, just give me about 2 hours.

My  2011 Resolutions:

Strong Me:
1. Sign up and RUN (Not run/walk) at least 2 5Ks. I signed up and completed 2 races. One: Angels Fun Run and Two: Donate Life 5K. I didn't completely RUN them, but I'm getting there. I'll mark this as~In Progress
2. Get active at least 3 times a week. Does napping count as being active? How about eating ridiculous amounts of butter? How about...wait why are you looking at me like that? I'll mark this as~GET ON IT JOANNA!

Foodie Me:
3. Add more fruits and Vegetables to every meal. I'm doing pretty well! When summer is here, it'll be on like Donkey Kong. I'll mark this as ~ CHA-CHING!

4. Continue cooking healthy and yummy dinners each day. If you've been following me I'm sure you'd agree that I'm doing pretty well on this one. I'll mark this as ~ BADA-BING!

Spiritual Me:
5. Make God my priority. I'm doing ok with this one. Not great. Not even good. Just ok. I am so happy that there are more friends that the Lord is placing it my path to guide me though. Here are some great blogs that I have been reading that speaks to my spiritual self.
6. Read my daily devotionals. I'm failing miserably on this one... I'll mark this one as~ DOH!

Intellectual Me:
7. Watch less TV and read books. I'm 50/50 on this one. I'm 50- HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER is the best show EVER and 50- I'm on my 3rd book this year and 50 blogging like a maniac. I know that's more than the 50/50 but it's mine and I can do what I want. I'll mark this one as~In Progress.

Currently reading and LOVING!

8. Be PRESENT. I am trying my best to stay present and involved in what I'm doing at the moment. This is good. I'll mark this one as~In Progress

The Wifey Me:
9. Be his friend.I've been making it a point to talk to him about HIS day. We watch HIMYM every night at 7pm and give each other high fives every day. We laugh together. We have heart to hearts. We enjoy each other's company. He's my bestest friend in the whole wide wo-yld. I'll mark this one as~ You're doin' it baby!

10.Be Patient-I'm trying REALLY hard. I hope it's working. Hubby might have to comment below about how I'm doing.I'll mark this one as ~Let's hope he comments!

The Friend Me:
11. Cultivate Strong Friendships: I've been making time and making more of an effort to visit my friends and invite them out instead of waiting for them to invite me. I'm having a lot of fun and trying new things. I am working on building my very own "Saved By The Bell" type friendships if you know what I'm sayin' I'll mark this one as ~ In Progress!

12. Make more of an effort: I've been trying really hard to keep in contact with the friends that matter to me the most. Whether it's through text message, email, or honestly asking and showing that I care about how their life is going when I'm with them, I'm trying my best. I could do better though. I'll mark this one as ~ In Progress!

  • Did you make resolutions?
  • Tell me one and how your doing!
  • If you didn't make one, make ONE now and tell me what it is!


  1. I didn't make resolutions, but I DID make an inspiration board that touches on stuff like finances, fitness, faith, fashion and more (how's THAT for alliteration?!) I'm doing pretty well, but not super.

    I really loved this post, BTW. I can relate to a lot of your resolutions -- especially the "Strong," "Spiritual," Friend" and "Intellectual" Me.

  2. Wow! Sounds like you're doing great! I really am not good at resolutions. I did say I wanted 2011 to be the year of my first marathon, and that happened! So that's something, right? :)

  3. #4- For sure!

    #7- I owe you a list :)

  4. i made resolutions and probably need to go over them; thanks for reminding me!

    great job on getting those two races in. if you're up for it, i run a local 5k/10k in Cypress at the end of july ever year if you want to run something together! let me know! i'd love to help you run the whole thing!!!

    and pride and prejudice and zombies is an awesome book. so is the other one the author wrote, which is escaping me right now!

  5. what a cool way to check up on yourself! I like the way you separated the categories.

    ANd nicely done :)

  6. I made a bunch of resolutions and have been doing fine with them but should definitely "audit" myself like you have!

    I just found your blog and just love it... Thank you for linking to the God ladies you did, I have been working on it too and need all the help I can get! :)

  7. Hi babe, I am so proud of you for sticking to your resolution "guns" :) You inspire me to want to be a better person. Thank you for the love and PATIENCE you have for me daily. I love you. - the hubs

  8. I love that you're making great progress in all of your resolutions! It takes a strong soul and determined mind to get where you're at right now -- good for you! I'm always here to support you!

    Yay for #11! Love you! :)

  9. I don't make NEW YEAR resolutions because I like to change my habits that very day haha. But I do make them. My running one is much like yours. I "ran" a half last month but I walk/ran it.I want to run a whole entire 5k without walking too! And work my way up from there. People who don't stop are AMAZINGGGG.

    You might like http://www.faithfitnessfun.com/
    for #5 too :)

    My big one right now is to lose 9,000 pounds before my wedding. ~ In progress :)


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!