09 January 2013

The New Me

I finally decided on my New Year's Resolutions for 2013. It took me awhile because for one, I have little Baby Joaquin distracting me with his adorable chubby cheeks that scream "Kiss me now, kiss me now!" and secondly, I wanted to make goals and attach a few tasks to them to help me achieve each one. Attainability is the key! I also want to make sure that I revisit them every few months because Mommy brain makes me forget....EVERYTHING nowadays. I imagine that'll only get worse. Here we go, 2013.

1. Make healthier choices

-Always have a fruit AND a vegetable with every meal.
-French Fries, burgers, and sweets will not go extinct. You don't have to eat them all the time.

The vegetable drawer will no longer be a place where my produce goes to die.
It's death row for you Mr. Carrot...and my mouth is the electric chair.


2. Get back into running

-Run a 5K....maybe a 10K, but definitely around the block...atleast!

I miss running because it made me feel in control and strong. Except in the winter. It made me feel like I was slapped with an iceberg, while naked.

3. Make a better effort to grow my relationship with the Lord

-Read my devotionals daily.
-Go to service
-attend a couples retreat

When I was in labor, I don't know how many times I cried out to God to help me. However, on a regular day I fail to make some quality time focusing on Him. That's unfair, huh? Regardless, he's always blessed me in my life and what have I done in return? Now it'll be what can I do in return?
4. Be a friend to my husband
-Always talk nice
-Pick my battles  stop picking battles that don't exist
I can no longer blame pregnancy hormones for my Hulk like tendencies. I'll admit I might've said things I would never dare say to my best girlfriends. That's eff'd up! Sergio is my best friend, too. I need to remind myself that from time to time.
5. Take more pictures AND develop them
-Before I start my 2 hour trips to Target (God, I love that place), drop off my pictures to the one-hour photo center.... DUH!
-Learn to use my fancy camera
I have a fancy camera that I feel is too heavy to carry around when I go out. Now I have a 15 pound baby that I have no problemo carrying around. This doesn't make sense anymore...I can carry the damn camera around. And I want to take it off Automatic. I'm happy to report that all of  the photos in this post weren't shot using Automatic. Yay for resolutions!
6. Keep blogging
-2x a week
-remember why I started... FOOD!
I kicked this off by getting a new design. Thank you, Courtney from Designer Blogs. I wanted to grow up and simplify things a bit. RIP old design...we had some good blog times, but I need to move on.
7. Power down and disconnect
-Stop checking Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, YouTube, etc. a million times a day. Seriously? I don't need to refresh every 5 minutes.
-When I'm spending quality time with anyone, the phone stays out of my hands.
-I refuse to be one of those people who is constantly on their phone.
8. Treat myself
-take time to destress each day
-Look good to feel good
I want to rid myself of Worry that seems to ride my back like a monkey. I want to learn to deal with my stress and not bottle it up. I want to take care of myself and not look like a frump. I want to go shopping for better clothes. Ok that's random but hear me out. I want to dress better so that I can feel confident and happier. That's legit right? I'm thinking of how to tell my husband about that one.
Some mommy style inspiration...
Source: polyvore.com via Joanna on Pinterest

Source: polyvore.com via Joanna on Pinterest

So there it is folks. My resolutions. Link yours if you have any. I love to read about them and I want some tips on how you're going to attack those bad boys.


  1. Love the new simple layout! It looks so refreshing! The part about produce going on death row made me LOL out loud f'realz! Even though the hubs and I are juicing and buying more fruits/vegs, the death trap is still a common problem for us! We definitely think alike cause I could totally relate to ALL of your resolutions :-)
    As for "what's in your diaper bag"... I was THINKING the exact same thing for a future blog post! lol!! The topic actually inspired my camera bag post since I think my diaper bag is boring, hehe!

  2. yay for getting back into running. if you need any tips or motivation just ask! and yes fresh fruits and veggies at meals i am tired of throwing away bad produce i should have eaten them and not let them go to waste!

  3. Cute new layout! I love your resolutions, especially number 8. I think you deserve a shopping trip for some cute clothes!

  4. Yay to the new layout! And yay for resolutions! You can do it toots! ;-)

  5. 2013 will be great! I'll be right there with you on getting some nicer clothes, disconnecting and saying nice things to my boy. :) I have nothing to use as an excuse. lol.

  6. Great goals and I'm OBSESSED with your new layout! So pretty! I need to follow along with some of your goals...and yes to number 8 especially! Treat yourself, pretty lady!

  7. I like the new layout! I like the goals also, especially #4!! I'm pretty sure the hubs can agree me on that one. But, I also like #7. I feel like people need to disconnect to reconnect; disconnect from their phone and reconnect to the people around them. I'm guilty of it, but I try to make an effort to leave my phone alone.

  8. Look at you, so many changes, my many ideas, so many plans. Good luck!

  9. These are great! I feel the same way about everything you listed ;-) I just started reading The Resolution for Women (http://www.amazon.com/The-Resolution-Women-Priscilla-Shirer/dp/1433674017/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1358117431&sr=8-14&keywords=love+dare). I'm the WORST at devotionals, always have been. I went to Bible college, I read the Bible cover to cover 4 times, and yet I can't read a daily devotional. My church is doing a great study, and I feel inspired to commit to a devotional life that reflects my dependence on God! Thanks for posting this, it shows me that others out there feel the same way and are experiencing similar struggles.

  10. What great goals!! I want to start running this year...I've never been a runner, so I'm hoping to slowly work my way up. We'll see!
    For a daily devotional, you should check out SheReadsTruth. I've learned so much by doing it and it's so great to be encouraged by other women around the world who are reading the same thing as you.
    I also need to let go of the social media. My husband doesn't get home until 7:30 during the week and since I wake up early, I'm ready to go to bed by 9. But I'm always checking my email and Instagram. Time to put away the phone and focus on my hubby!


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!