This pregnancy is really making my battle with food difficult. I want to be healthy but I'm craving all kinds of crap as I sit my butt on the couch day after day. In result, I have gained between 25-30 lbs and I'm only 26 weeks along. This might not seem like a big deal to some, but to me, I feel like a failure and a whale....a whaliure.
One of my biggest gripes at the moment is people discounting my feelings because I'm "thin" and blah blah "You're pregnant. Eat what you want." First off, I feel like shit! I'm swollen and I can't walk at night because it's so painful. Secondly, sure, I'll drop some of the weight when I have the baby, but will my thighs and new layer of butt fat be on board with dropping the extra poundage? No woman likes to feel heavier and I am positive that no one likes the feeling of their pants not being able to go over their thighs.
Story of my summer.
I might be a little hormonal right now. Apologies.
So this ugly cycle continues. Eat, guilt, workout, eat, guilt, workout. Hopefully I can stop it.
I shall dub this post:
Motivation Monday for Mamas-to-be. Anyone else need the motivation to be healthy, feel good and STRONG? (Thank God we don't need to work our Abs this summer!)
Here are some great workout plans I found that Baby and I will be doing this week.
1. Easy enough for a lazy bum like me to do. Here's the link.
2. Best $14.99 I've spent at Target! This all comes in a set.