
For The New Year's Resolutioners: Happy & Spiritual You

I consider myself a very blessed person. I have so much to be thankful for in my life but I'm also a bit of a pessimist, so sometimes I fill my brain with negative thoughts of things I don't have or the bad moments in my day. Positive thinking takes so much work! I find that doing my daily devotionals and stopping to appreciate the little things in my day that make me smile, really pumps up my positive thinking throughout the day.

Continuing with my New Year's Resolution Series, here are my favorite resources to help you be a happier you and a more spiritual you.

Post #1- For a Healthy and Strong You

Happy You

-The Happiness Project
I know some of you are probably sick of hearing about this book but it has to be said that this book really does have some sound advice. I love going back to this book and referring back to the sections that I feel need a little more attention in my life. The author writes about how she spent a year trying new things to be a better homemaker, wife, mom, and person. You will definitely learn a few things through her successes, as well as her mistakes.
- Laugh

 I think I've mentioned before that I am a YouTube fanatic. Crazy animal videos, cute baby laughing videos, makeup tutorials... I'm all over it! I find atleast one video a day that makes me smile and currently, it's this one. I can't get enough! If all else fails, just YouTube "bloopers" and you will hit the jackpot of smiles.


Spiritual You

One thing that always makes me feel renewed and hopeful each day is my daily devotional. I took a chance and went to a Women's dinner at my local Calvary and I won this book that has really changed my outlook on life. I love how it has a short, yet powerful story to read each day, along with a prayer and a task that you can do as well. A great way to start your day! And for all you iphone lovers, you can join #SheReadsTruth and follow devotionals along with ladies around the world.

I always tell couples about this devotional. It has stories, tasks, and prayers to do with your significant other. When Hubby and I fit this into our day, we feel closer to each other and to God. It helps us remember to love each other unconditionally as the Lord so graciously does to us. Hubby and I have given this book as a gift to many of our favorite couples. We love it.
What things inspire you to be more spiritual? What makes you happy? Comment below!

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  1. I really admire you for doing a daily devotional. I've wanted to get started on one for awhile now but keep putting it off...now you've inspired me to join in on She Reads Truth. Thank you for this awesome, very real post!

  2. I think getting what I worked hard for makes me really happy. If I don't get it though, I'm really upset. It's a win-loss in that I determine my happiness by choosing what goals to pursue.

    7% Solution​

  3. Positive thinking does take work but the payoff is so worth it :) It's great that you're working at it and I hope it pays off. I find that being thankful and not taking anything for granted has made me a happier person. I had a hard time with this before but changing my outlook has really been life changing.

    Rowena @ rolala loves
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  4. Love your blog (i just ordered a designer blog and saw your testimonial)

    I'll have to check out your book recommendations. Always looking for new, inspiring reads! Thanks!


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