03 June 2011

Sunshiney Day

Happy Friday! YIPEEEE!

Smiling is my favorite sport. My childhood nickname was Sunshine because I smiled so much. I'm working on bringing back the old me. And when I say old me, I mean the 2 year old me...minus the peeing in my parents' bed and trying to buy gum with buttons. (Both are true stories.)

This week, there were some awesomely awesome changes that made my days Sunshiney.
1. This bowl from TJ MAXX.... not because it was cheap and it's pretty....

but because when the sun shines through the window,  it turns my living room into a disco club every morning. (Sonic goes cray cray )
2. Trying something new. I rarely paint my fingernails. One, because I'm lazy and two, because I'm lazy. But I somehow had enough energy to paint my nails all purdy. I'm glad I did because every time I look down... it makes me giggle. Don't you just love polka dots?
I blame this new obsession on Katwina. There was a sale at Ulta and we agreed that it was too good to pass up. Buy 2 ($5 each) and get 2 FREE! I mean...if that's not a steal, I don't know what is. Free things make me smile! Why is this her fault? Because it sure wasn't mine.

3. Baby Bumps EVERYWHERE! I'm at that age where everyone around me is getting preggos. That makes me smile. I'm having slight  strong baby fever so I'm trying to remedy it by living vicariously through them. ( I know I'm not truly ready for one myself) I'm one of those weirdos that rub their bellies every time they walk by me. ( I always make sure to ask first) OOoooo wook at the widdle bewwy!

My Bunco pal Jilly is preggos...yesterday was her BABY BUNCO!

Her baby boy got SOOOOO excited that he decided to come out a month early. Her water broke the day before her baby shower. Don't you love unexpected surprises!? How can that not make you smile?

Welcome to the world Wesley Joshua!! Remember me? I was the one who rubbed your mommy's belly ALL THE TIME! You're going to be so loved, Baby!

Because Jilly couldn't make it to her own baby shower, we Video chatted ourselves opening her gifts so she can watch them while she was waiting for her baby to come! Technology is a beautiful thing!

Now, I'm off to go to Vegas until Wednesday! I have a Teacher Conference to attend (yes, in Vegas). Pictures and yummy dinners Vegas style to come!
Have a wonderful weekend!

  • What are you doing this weekend?
  • Tell me one thing that made you smile this week.


  1. Very good week indeed. I hear you on the baby fever. Totally got a bad case myself.

    Love the polka dots..so much talent.

  2. Love your nails--the one polka dot nail is so cute!
    That bowl is really cool, I can see my cats going absolutely insane with it though!

  3. I love how that bowl refracts light and dances along your walls! And I've been wanting yellow nails all June, but I'm like you, just too lazy to paint my nails or to go to the store to buy nail polish.:) Congratulations to all about the new baby!

    P.S. I have a Blog Award for you; the details can be found on my May 25th post. I'm so sorry about the late notice, but my Google account hasn't been letting me post comments for the past 2 weeks.

    Have fun in Vegas! xx

  4. I love this post! Your happiness is very infectious :)

    The light playing off that plate is so cool!

  5. I LOVE that nail color. I love painting my nails, but I get a little too lazy most of the time too ;)

    And yep, baby bumps everywhere. We're (husband and I) are still young enough that we're going through everyone getting married. I know once that phase is fully over...the baby boom will happen in full swing!

  6. I love this post! I am actually heading to Vegas next week for work as well...I don't mind!! :)

  7. Too cute! My mom called me Sunshine when I was little - she said I always woke up with a smile! :D It's good to smile, be happy and spread a little sunshine!


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!