11 May 2011

Homer Simpson thinks I'm fly....

I bought this yesterday....that's why I didn't blog.

I was so giddy and in love with my new purchase. Is it weird that I sat at my kitchen counter, staring at it, daydreaming about the fun we are going to have, smacking my lips fantasizing about glazed coated donuts? Man, Oh, Man!! I'm smitten like Homer J.

I also bought this. It screams summer and I cannot wait to try out a recipe a reader sent me!

I wonder if I could make a REALLY BIG donut in this pan...Oh that reminds me... I need to buy some stretchy pants.

p.s- I bought these two pans for a whopping $0.07!! I had a $40 gift card...but that's besides the point. The fact that I handed the nice lady $0.07 for these magical pans of happiness was enough to make my day year.
  • What is your FAVORITE type of donut?
  • Know of any good donut recipes I can try?


  1. Yay for the donut pan! I like any type of donut - I don't discriminate. So what's the first recipe you're going to make?

  2. Crullers are my absolute favorite.

    You must watch this on youtube- it's from a videogame Scott played, and I loved it so much I printed out lyrics and my 4th grade class last year sang it all the time, haha.


  3. I've never even used a donut pan before but I just know some amazing things will be made in there!

  4. What an awesome invention! Never seen anything like that before, but I might have to start looking :)

  5. I've been wanting both of these things! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I love a good apple tart, and would love to get creative with doughnuts...pb & j perhaps? Maple & bacon? Just a thought :)

  6. Oh my goshness! I just bought a donut pan in October so I could make pumpkin spiced donuts. There's recipe on my blog if you care, but you're going to have so much naughty food fun with this thing!!


  7. I used to really like chocolate old-fashioned donuts. Cake donuts with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles are always good too. But then there's the classic raised glazed or chocolate, especially delicious if you get it fresh when the glaze is still really melty....

    Now I want 5395 donuts. Look what you've done... ;)

  8. MMmm donuts - may I may a recommendation and ask that you make the maple bacon donut? If you do, let me know and I'll glady fly down there =)

  9. I recently bought a similar pan from Sur la Table. I made the recipe that came on the back - delicious! Can't wait to hear how yours turns out. :)

  10. ahhh! hehe this is an awesome purchase!! *ahem* yes, let's not talk about the gift card? :P hey, it WAS a gift after all right?! hmmmm come to think of it, I've never been a fan of donuts. But I know for a fact that I'll love BAKED healthy donuts once I try them :). the o.g. ones are just too heavy and make give me stomach aches. have a beautiful sunday Joanna!


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!