27 March 2014

Drizzles of Sunshine: Changes

1. Big news on the career front. I'm officially moving back to first grade! I couldn't be happier and I'm so excited for this move. For those of you who are new here, I have been a teacher for 8 years and have been bounced from first to high school to middle school, all thanks to the poor funding of our public school system. Happy to report that that is on the up and up and now I have the opportunity of going back to my one true love... First Grade. Now I must dig through my garage and find my flash cards and glitter.

2. Last week, I morphed into a pre-pubescent tweenager. I read Divergent. I have totally jumped on the Divergent train and have set up camp. I'm hooked. It's no surprise that I like my reading material to be easy, mindless, and not at all thought provoking. Why? Because I find reading as an escape, not as a way for me to build brain points. (I think I might've lost some friends by admitting this.) With that said, Divergent got the job done for me. It entertained me for 3 days. My personal best. I couldn't put it down. I have no idea WHY my mind was so wrapped up in this but I fully enjoyed my brain vacation.

Now I really want to watch the movie because I'm interested in how they adapted it for the big screen and because the actors are GORGEOUS. Holy musculos! Four, Eric, and even Tris. Googly-eyes worthy for sure.

3. Joaquin is now fully walking on his own. I am both excited and terrified. I refuse to use one of those dog kid leashes on him because I think that is just plain WRONG but I feel like there is going to come a time where I am going to wish I could like the dog kid leashes like when we are in a crowded amusement park and he is jetting away from mommy and daddy. It's very hard to hold hands with a toddler that doesn't want to hold your hand. Sounds easy but it is damn near impossible sometimes.

4. I just got news that we are going camping in Yosemite this summer. I am trying my hardest to suppress my anxiety. I just imagine me struggling to get Joaquin to sleep in a tent, families of bears eating our food while I freak out with Joaquin in my arms, oh and sharing a bathroom with hundreds of campers. There goes my inner tweenager again. Man, I'm such a wuss. Tips on camping with a baby much needed. Tips on camping in general much needed.

5. I am officially a college student again. I'm taking 2 online courses where I have to listen to 14 podcasts about Children's Literature. I'm ok with it except for the fact that the professor's voice and semi-British mono-tone voice makes me want to kill myself. I'm on podcast 2. Pray for me.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for your return to first grade! It's my true love as well, but I have been reserved for ESL ingrades 3, 4 and 5 because "they need me there". Sigh. I miss those cute little buggers! I just found out we're going to Wisconsin for a family reunion in July. On a plane. With a one month old. With husband's family whom I have not met. Cue anxiety here too!

  2. Congrats on going back to first grade! Things are kind of a mess right now with the switch over to common core but I'm sure you'll jump right in and get back into the hang of things. Let me know if you need any help at all!

  3. Yay!!! I don't know how you taught the big ones for so long! I'm a kindergarten teacher, so I understand your love for the little ones : ) I too am going camping in Yosemite this summer! I am going with a group of friends, and I have no idea what I am doing! What does one wear, what does one bring to eat, what is the sleeping situation, and most importantly what is the bathroom/shower situation as you said?!?!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. First graders are just the cutest! Congratulations! And I LOVED the divergent movie, must read the books soon!


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