03 February 2014

My Paper Resolution

This year, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to bring paper back. I'm bringing paper back. (Sing to the tune of I'm Bringing Sexy Back.) I've always been in love with pretty Thank You cards and Photo Cards with fancy fonts. And don't even get me started on funny and witty birthday cards.
My goal is to send more snail mail because I think it is an underrated art form. I LOVE getting a handwritten card or even a fancy photo card because it's not only cute as heck but it also breaks up the junk mail and bills you usually get in your mailbox.
Since I missed sending out my Christmas cards this holiday season...which technically was LAST year so this doesn't count as breaking my resolution, my plan is to send cards on another fun holiday. I love doing this because it's unexpected and no one will ever suspect that you are just very very late on your holiday cards. After we got married, I sent pretty New Year's cards to the fam, complete with our wedding photo. It was a HIT! When Joaquin was born, I send out his birth announcements as our Christmas card and everyone swooned.  I felt like a sly little fox.

I've already stocked up on my cute pens, my Forever Stamps, and blank card sets and wrote down all of the birthdays I need to remember. I'm ready!

The stationary gods were pleased by my offerings and I received an email from Tiny Prints. Perfect Timing! I couldn't resist their wonderful Valentine's Day photo cards.  The red and pink hearts just called my name and Add a picture of my baby, you say? DONE. I love how simple it all is. All I had to do was pick my favorite design, upload Joaquin's adorable picture, customize it to my liking and BOOM...done! Easy Peasy.

See, instead of me looking like I forgot to send out my Christmas cards, I look ahead of the game by sending sweet cards on Valentine's day. So Sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I love getting cards in the mail, but am horrible about sending things. My goal is to make sure to send paper thank-you notes to everyone I can't thank in person for things this year. Starting off small.... The V-Day cards are cute!


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