28 March 2013

A Mommy Link-up Party!

I know why other people get annoyed with new mommies. It's because new mommies post lots and lots of pictures of their beautiful babies every chance they get.....

It's because they flaunt their mommyhood badge around to everyone in a 10 mile radius of them at any given moment of the day.

It's because their so-called food and life blogs have been taken over by every topic about babies, breastfeeding, and uber cute diaper bags.

I love that even though my friends on Facebook probably hid me 20 Joaquin pictures ago, I still have mommy bloggers who will relate to my blog and appreciate my gushing about my baby boy. That's why I decided to join a Mommy link-up party hosted by Erikka over at The Life of Lil Miss.

Here are this week's questions:

1. what was the name you chose for the opposite sex? {in lamens terms- if you had a girl, what was the name you chose if she would have been a boy?}

-Since hubby and I didn't want to know the sex of our baby, we had an arsenal of both boy and girl names under our belt. We actually had a lot more girl names because girl names are pretty and we fell in love with many. Our top runners were Lily and Lucy.

2. where is your favorite dinner spot & dish? {could be a restaurant, home, park- wherever!}

-That's a toughie because I love so many places. I guess one place that I will ALWAYS be in the mood for is In-n-Out Burger. Their fries are so good I'm making my 6th graders write a persuasive essay convincing the world that their fries are the best.... no, I'm serious.

3. when do you typically take shower {or bathe} & favorite product to use while gettin' "silky smooth"{ever see the movie don't mess with the zohan?}
-I am now a night time shower-er. Saves time in the morning regardless of what my day will be like. If I'm rushing to work I can just wash my face, brush my teeth, douse myself in some eau de toilette, and out the door I go. If I'm home with baby, I don't have to worry about smelling all stank when 4 pm rolls around because taking a shower with a baby in tow is just plain useless.

My favorite product is my Aveeno Lavender Stress Relief body wash. Lavender makes all of mommy's problems melt away. That and chocolate ganache.

Are you a mommy blogger? Head on over to The Life of Lil Miss and join the link up party!


  1. I still cannot believe you were ale to wait until birth to know the sex of your baby!! I could literally never do it. I a huge fan of hamburger and French fries... Now I'm drooling., fresh cut fries are seriously the best thing in the world. II to love lavender and use it in my shampoo and body wash!!

    Thanks for linking up joanna, hope to see you again next week!
    Ps. Joaquin is a dollbaby! He can have Claire's number one day ;)

  2. with a baby that cute...I don't think you post enough pictures!! more, more, more! same here, night time showers....I need the time to myself!


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!