25 July 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 20+lbs. Trying to eat a bit healthier these days. Chocolate is healthy right?
Maternity clothes? Chillin' at home this week so workout gear and bathing suits are my uniforms
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Waking up to pee ALOT! *Note to self: Remind hubby to put toliet seat DOWN!*
Best moment this week: Letting my mom and my nephew feel Baby kick. So exciting to see their faces.
Miss Anything? Running and sleeping on my back.
Movement: I'm pretty sure I felt Baby punch me. It was more of a sharp jab. I also think Baby wants me to keep moving because Baby was kicking my back to get up off the couch yesterday!
Food cravings: Sweets. CHOCOLATE!! See's chocolate to be exact. Hubby bought me a lot of it. It's dangerous to have around.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Sonic's doggy treats. This is a new thing. 
Gender predictions: Still feeling like it's a girl. Lots of girl predictions from others this week.
Labor Signs: Not yet
Symptoms: Acid reflux. After scarfing dinner, I feel like I'm going to explode. Need to eat less.
Belly Button in or out? It's still half in and out. Freaky.
Wedding rings on or off? I bought myself a fake ring because sadly mine do not fit anymore. I feel like it's too early for me to be pulling my rings off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and oh so blessed!
Looking forward to: Letting more people feel Baby's kicks. I actually enjoy when friends and family touch my belly. I have yet to have a stranger touch it though. I don't think I would like that.


  1. Enjoy this second trimester! You are almost to #3!!! So exciting! yOu look darling! xo

    1. Thank you, Karina! I can't believe how time flies. You are way ahead of me so I'm sure you're definitely feeling how time goes by so fast!

  2. You are SO cute! Love that you are craving chocolate....baby knows what's good :). And I feel you on the peeing throughout the night...it's so annoying, though I'm starting to get used to it. Yay for a strong, kickin' baby!!

    Thank you for finding and following our blog...following you back :). You make preggo look good!

    1. I guess I'm getting used to the frequent toliet trips in the middle of the night, too. I have to keep all the lights off and navigate my way around so I don't keep myself up at night.

  3. JOanna!! I love you and Serg and had to check into you blog in the midst of wedding season insanity to see if you found out a gender yet. :) I miss you and have to say you look rather hot mama!! And don't be sad... my wedding rings STILL don't fit and baby elle is now 9 months old! oh how time flies...

  4. Ommghshhh I can't believe baby is due so soon! those 3 months will go by so quickly probably...:P And that is hilarious that baby jabbed you! hahahahaa, maybe baby will become a fighter someday. And all the lil adjustments and side effects sound so challenging to me! Were you intimidated at first?

    1. I hope Baby doesn't become a fighter! I'll be one worried mama. The side effects do take some getting used to but just like anything, it becomes just a daily thing you encounter. Thank God for mommy blogs and sites that give lots of advice for me!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to my mom for good genes! I hear they are mostly genetic but I slather on lotion everyday!

  6. you look AWESOME! hooray for 15 weeks left, it's going to fly by! :)

    1. I can't believe it. I'm sure you look at your little baby girl and think how time has just flown by. If only we can freeze time!

  7. Hi! I am a new follower of your blog, I stumbled on you from another blog's post and comments. You look amazing for 25 weeks! I dont think I looked 1/2 as good and that was only 10 weeks ago for me! Here's a few tips (hope you dont mind) from a first time prego to another: the peeing a lot ... doesnt really stop, they say to drink less water after 6pm but I am always thirsty at night; and the acid reflux I have that too, its mainly from eating large portions (and laying down afterwards) but if you eat smaller portions every few hours your belly wont feel like it's going to explode (I hate that feeling its SO painful!) and you'll be much happier. Oh and TUMS they are your bff! Congrats and I look forward to reading more of your posts! :)


    1. That's so funny because I just went on your blog and left a comment the same time you did! Preggo minds think alike huh? Thanks for the tips. Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated and I don't mind one bit. I heard about the smaller portions thing but I just get so hungry! I definitely pay for it every night when I gorge myself with yummy food. Too bad self control is not a pregnancy symptom.

  8. I with ya on the peeing girlie, and I agree with tessa, just gets worse! I never stop drinking water, though, I keep a water bottle by my bed actually just to make for sure for sure I stay hydrated.
    You look great!

  9. Oo, so excited to find another pregnant blogger! You look great!! And I totally gave in to In N Out yesterday. We all have our bad days!!!

  10. You look awesome girl! You are glowing! Seriously. ha and totally know what you mean about the belly button thing. Mine is half in and half out what the heck!? I don't get it! I was convinced I was like one in a million. ha but my belly button is like folding over?? anyways- darling dress!! xoxo

  11. You are looking totally adorable. Glad to hear pregnancy is agreeing with you.



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