13 December 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday: Gift Ideas for Students

My favorite time of the year is coming up fast.... Christmas vacation! In just 3 days, hundred of frazzled and burnt out teachers will be enjoying 2-3 weeks off. Yes, I know it is annoying to hear this if you are not a teacher and I apologize for the bragging, but I AM WORKED to the bone. I am ready.

Besides that joyous occasion, there is another event that I am very fond of and that is gift giving. I love rewarding my students for all of the hard work they have been doing and giving them a little Christmas present. Most students don't expect it and it's fun to watch their surprised faces when they see a gift waiting for them at their seat. This year is no exception. This is quite possibly one of the best classes I've ever had so I wanted to reward them with something fun.

Instead of having a regular hum drum party with chips and cupcakes, I decided to give them some options, and since this class is in the morning, I gave them breakfast options. By unanimous decision, a Smoothie Party was in order. I dig it. So, I bought myself an early Christmas present...which in turn is a gift for my students as well. Double Whammy!
In addition to providing all the smoothie fix-ins, I found some great cups for them to keep! I plan on writing their names on it. I know they'll love it!
I plan on taking off the lids and adding these cute straws I found!
Add a candy cane, wrap it all in some cellophane and you got yourselves a winner! I'll post the finished product asap!

Here are some other super cute ideas!
How about some Grinch Pills
Or some Snowman Poop
Jazzing up a chocolate bar looks easy!

These are just too adorable!

In years passed, I've also given little goodie bags with Christmas candies and other little trinkets which the kids enjoy. When I worked in high school, I brought cookies for them to decorate and believe it or not, they liked it a lot! Just giving anyone Christmas treats is enough to turn them into a giddy 3 year old. I love it!


  1. Heehee! Did you mean to write snowman POOP? :) It made me laugh since the bag says snowman SOUP! You're funny...and darn you for posting so late. I should be in bed! Yay vacation in 3 days!

  2. I feel like that kitty sometimes, I really do :).

  3. This is a great list with great ideas!

  4. I had a high school teacher who let us decorate gingerbread houses one year, and it was so much fun!

  5. I'm really jealous that you get 2-3 weeks off. Really. jealous. I get 1 week. Boo hoo!

    And our school district frowns upon Christmas parties and such... so ... no festivities in my classroom. :( This is turning into a depressing comment.

    But it looks like you're having a great time - soak it up because you're lucky to have it! :D

  6. I give mine the gift of finals. You're such a nice teacher :)

  7. You're awesome! I scored some hand sanitizers from Bath and Body works after the season for $0.29 each, so my older students are getting those! (Lame I know, but they're scented and have cartoons on them!)My youngers are getting lame-o pencils and a candy cane. (I teach ESL as a push-in teacher, so I have over 90 students!!!)

  8. What great ideas! My boyfriend is a teacher, I'm going to pass these along to him :)

  9. Joanna! You are too sweet to your students! That was such a kind gesture and treat! Hahaha oh golly, snowman poo! xD I miss reading your blog so Imma catch up this week!


    Merry Christmas too!!! :D

  10. I love your ideas! Can't wait to see the finished product. I bet your students loved it.



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