30 June 2011

Thursday Favs: #Winning

~ I went shopping today for summer clothes (2 shorts, 2 tanks, 1 dress, and a partridge in a pear tree #winning

...Via Moo.com..

~ Had a yummy croissant club in beautiful Downtown Riverside with my favorite blogger friend. #winning

 ~WON my first blog giveaway from Delighted Momma. Do you follow her blog? You really should, she has AWESOME stuff! Thanks Lindsay, can't wait to get my necklace!

Pair this with a plain Jane tank... #Winning... seriously...#Winning!

  • What's one thing you loved about today?
  • Anything that was #Winning?


  1. Cute necklace! That is worth going a little Charlie Sheen and using WINNING!

    I got a very exciting phone call today that made my life a little brighter but I am still waiting for my winning moment.

  2. The thing I LOVED about today was going to my new school to pick up my classroom keys. YES!
    What was Winning was when my new principal let me pilfer through the rooms of the retired teachers. Ka-ching! Free stuff!

  3. I've been so into croissant sandwiches lately! Especially chicken salad, but yours looks so good!

  4. Looks like we both had rocking sandwiches for lunch today. Mine was turkey and avocado on toasted whole wheat. So simple, but so good! Sad to say it, but that was definitely the highlight of my day...so far at least!

  5. just found your blog and am happy to say that im your newest fan :) sounds like you had a great day!

  6. What did i love about today? Hmmm. A portobello mushroom and roasted red pepper pizza. Ok, that was yesterday. But you get the point. :)

  7. Congrats on winning Lindsay's giveaway! I found out that I won Ana's giveaway on Live & Enliven so I was super excited about that. That's my #winning for today. Oh and that we're leaving for our vacay soon! :)

  8. Holy crap, lucky girl! I want to eat that sandwich. It looks awesome.

    Loving your blog! New follower.


  9. Congrats on winning that necklace and getting some shopping done! :)

    The one thing I loved about today is that I got to take a nap. lol.

  10. Oh and thank you for stopping by my blog and being a new follower! I really like your posts so far! :)

  11. Beautiful necklace!

    I have reconnected with a special someone. That's always #winning. :)

  12. cute necklace!

    You have a great blog and I wondering if you want to follow each other

    My Lyfe ; My Story

    Enter My Lyfe ; My Story: PurseHangersUSA.com Giveaway

    My Lyfe ; My Story

    @MyLyfeMyStory on twitter

  13. I heard your favorite friend is kind of weird... Oh, and by the way, I'm making your spinach roll ups this week. They better be good ;)


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!