22 June 2011

The Hills are Alive, with the Sound of Hiking

And what does hiking sound like, you say?

"Why did we choose the hard path?"
"My thighs are buuurning!"
"Are we almost to the top?"
"Is that a SNAKE?"
"How come those old Asian ladies are passing us up?"

Last week, my friend Grace asked me to go hiking with her. The Lazy in me wanted to say no, but I think my couch needed a break from my BUH-DONK. Extra emphasis on the DONK.
Anywho- I said yes (obviously) and we had a grand old time...except for my left buttcheek and thigh, it wanted me dead and I know it.

I packed what I thought was necessary. But it turns out that when you are hiking up a mountain, an extra hand sanitizer in your bag feels like you're carrying a family of Koala bears on your back. I wanted to chuck my mini-bag off the cliff but apparently there are rules against that.

Hey! Look who remembered their inhaler this time!
Upon arrival, the clouds were covering the mountain, so I thought it would be cake. As the clouds parted, I realized that I might die today.

There was a cute little brook that marked the beginning of our journey. So peaceful and serene. We were ready to tackle the hill!
Then we found this crazy animal and we let him come along with us. We figured he would be able to carry us if we got hurt or something. Just kidding, he can't carry us, his noodle arms would buckle and we'd all plunge to our deaths.(I keed Richard! Your muscles can go up against any woman body builder.)

We complained climbed 2.5 miles all the way up and the view was breath taking!
I even met a little friend on the way! He was a fast little booger!
Even though we started our climb up the mountain around 8 in the morning, the sun burned off one layer of shirts for all of us. HOT! It had to be in the 80's or 90's!

Finally at the top, we came to a little tiny hut with two benches. I vote for a pool and an air conditioned ice cream stand, but that's just me.

Kidding aside, I had a great time with two of my buddies. It was hard, but we made it. I never hiked like this before and I felt strong when we finished. It was a challenge and we completed it! Even though I couldn't sit down on the toilet when I got back home because my thighs were mad at me, it was totally worth it!

The 2.5 miles down the hill was very scenic. Grace described it as a forest scene from Snow White.

And this is the spot where we Yelped a place to eat (which I will post tomorrow! Such a cute place we found). Ahhh, memories.
  • Hiking...yay or nay?
  • Would you like to come with me next time? I need someone to hold my bag.
  • Seriously, I'm going again...I'm ready for these hills!


  1. I wish we had hills like that in Texas. The closest thing the garbage dump across town. Not really the best spot for the morning hike.

  2. I love, love, love hiking!! That trail looks so awesome. I would be doing that all the time if I lived nearby!!

  3. These places are amazing, so beautiful. I love walking, I enjoy a day outdoor.

  4. Looks like such a fun day! The little froggie is so cute :) I love a good hike, you always feel so accomplished after!

  5. Fun! I like hiking as long as that's what I set out to do- I did Half Dome last year. Sooooo, let me know when you go again! I think there's some really nice trails in the Saddleback Mountains in the OC- might be cooler!

  6. Wonderful! I wish I could join you.

  7. Such fun! I have breathing problems as well and have the same inhaler :)

    This really makes me want to go on a hike soon!

  8. ah, what a great hike! i wish i lived closer so i could do it! i'm actually going to do a hike for work tomorrow that's about 7 miles round trip at 6.000 ft in elevation!! I love hiking!

  9. Hahaha I absolutely love this entire post and your sense of humor!

    I like hiking! But I've never done it for 25 miles before! :x !!!

    and way to be with the SOUND OF MUSIC REFERENCE. Ah, wicked! One of my favorite movies! <3 :D

  10. Hiking is one of my favorite things to do. And this Claremont one looks like an incredible hike! I would love to go soon! We should go to a national park one day.. maybe revisit Zion.

  11. Hiking is one of my favorite things to do. And this Claremont one looks like an incredible hike! I would love to go soon! We should go to a national park one day.. maybe revisit Zion.

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