25 June 2011

Gets Me Everytime!

#157 on my bucket list..participate in a flashmob.
The end makes me tear everytime.

(#1 on my bucket list...make a bucket list.)

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


  1. I adore a good flash mob. I would love to be in one too.

  2. HAHA that was funny, girl! #1 make a bucket list.....funny because I am the same way! I have ideas in my head, but none really written down.... heh

  3. hahaha...this is indeed a great wish.I was once involved in one and was indeed a great experience! hahah
    love your blog by the way!

  4. haha your #1 make a bucket list made me laugh! That's how I am too... I have a million lists in my head but never write them down. Which sadly means I hardy ever remember to do the things I want to do!

    And yes, a flashmob would be so fun! I love seeing videos of them :)

  5. #1--think about making a bucket list!! :P
    a flashmob sounds pretty bomb!! Now only if I could dance...hehehe. Hope you're doing well Jo!


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