09 March 2011

Taco Salad Tuesday

Whew! What a day! We had CAHSEE (Cali High School Exit Exam) testing all day today and teaching all 6 periods afterwards.... and here's the kicker... I didn't have coffee! What what? I was definitely in a funky monkey mood after that. We have to do it aaaallll over again tomorrow...Help!

I'm sorry to my hubby for having to marry such a hideous creature! This is what I look like when I'm complaining...which is 75% of my day.... I must do something about this.

Even if it so I won't look like this monstrocity.

To make it worse, Hubs has to work late all week and wont be having dinner with me. I'm back to cooking for ONE!
 ::refer back to top picture...apologies::

I miss him already...

Today I opted for a Salad....What the HECK is wrong with me? Choosing salad over....anything, is really out of character for me. I must be coming down with something.

Taco Salad...The Lazy version...

Mix, half pound of ground turkey, half can of black beans, and half packet of taco seasoning.

In a separate bowl, mix 2 tomatoes, 1 green bell pep, 1 small onion, 1 Tbs of fresh cilantro, and the juice of one lime. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Layer... bleh...giraffe food...

Add the turkey bean stuff, salsa stuff, avo, cheeeeeese, and a dollop heaping ice cream scoop of sour cream...hey don't judge, it's the "light" version... I have permission.

I threw in a Cheese Quesadilla for good keeping... and good keeping it was. Do you like my "cherry" on top? Cute no?

Now comment below,  What should I do with these leftovers? Be creative!


  1. That looks super yummy! Think I would do it all again. Taco salad Wednesday...yum

  2. I love taco salads. I think your leftovers could be made into a great little salsa! :) I know that's not creative but I love salsa.

  3. Yuck to the CAHSEE! And no taco salad is complete without a dollop of sour cream! Next time Sergio is out of town, give me a call and I'll drive out to your area to accompany you for dinner! :)


I want to know what you think...no really I do! Leave a comment, question, or just a hello. It'll make me SMILE!