13 December 2010

Sonic Puppy Kisses

That's my nickname for my sweet lil stinker Sonic. I sing it to him everyday to the tune of whatever is in my head at the moment. He likes it...

That was him last Christmas. Hubs' aunt put the sweater on him. We're not the type of owners to dress our puppy, but this is pretty darn precious.

This weekend, the Hubby was sick so I got to spend a lot of Q-time with the pup. Lemme introduce this crazy character.

Name: Sonic aka Sonic Puppy Kisses aka Poopoo kisses aka pupsters aka WHAT DID YOU DO?

Age: 3 1/2 years old

Breed: Boglen Terrier (Part Boston Terrier, Part Beagle, Part Monster)
Color: Brindle

Defects: Eats his own or a cat's poo, loves toilet paper (unused), loves Mommy's thongs (unused...sick I know, and there is no correlation between him eating his poo and my thong thank you very much), has been known to eat tax refund checks, and has a slight but adorable under bite.

Also known for chewing walls.....





::le sigh::

He's a good puppy, really he is. I love to cuddle with him. I love how he can always findme when we play hide and seek. I love how we howls like an old man beagle. I love how he puts his chin on my knee when I cry. He smells like bread. He's ours.

Yes, that's all three of us holding hands/paws. Shall I give you a bag to throw up in? ;p

So, today was my turn to be sick apparently. Now it's hubs turn to take care of this baby ::thumbs point to chest::

T and I went on our walk today and I have to say GREAT JOB T! She told me not too long ago, that she wasn't up for running, but today, while we were speed walking she turned to me and said "Ok, let's run here to the gate." And we ran to the light post after that.... :) That's motivation right there folks! We walked/sprinted for about 30 minutes.

When I got home I had a cup of my favorite tea to calm my throat down.

Yogi Green Tea with TRIPLE echinacea. I'm going to chug this until I sleep tonight. Project drown the cold in full effect.

I'm also making the Hubs and I some soup bowls. I had a craving for Clam Chowdah..mmm... but did I mention it was like 80 something degrees here in Cali today. Oh well... gotta work with what you have.

Warm the buns.... Bow-chicka-wow-wow...

Pick your soup...sorry I couldn't make this homemade... I'm sick ::cough cough:: remember?

Looks like a can love story.

Sergio says I turn into the HULK when I'm sick... RAWR! "What?" you say...oh you'll see...




I didn't finish ALL of the bread... although I wanted to. I couldn't cancel out my work..out?

When I heated our Dessert... that's when my musculos RIPPED the handle. Open FAIL.

No worries, I was able to save the dessert. And look, I used my melon baller to scoop the cutest little ball of ice cream. I DIE!

Ok. I'm off to drown my cold, cuddle my poopoo kisses, and eat my yummy dessert. Hulk OUT.

What's your best cold remedy?


  1. Feel better soon, Joanna! (I'm getting over cooties that my students gave me, too.) Better fill up on some Green Monsters!

    I love your little Sonic Bear - he's my favorite Boglen Terrier Monster! :)

  2. Saw Sonic's photo on CNC. Best dog photo EVER. Cute, cute, cute.

  3. Had to stop by after seeing Sonic's cute carrot photo on CNC. Our dog, Gus, is a carrot eater too!

  4. What a nice pics collection with great work i have visit and i am very inspired.
    Thanks for post.


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