05 December 2010

My Repentance

Well hello there!

This is my double post for today. It was a great day! I more than made up for the unhealthiness that ensued last night. And I didn't even mention the 11 pm Frosty run we went on... ::le sigh:: I hang my head in shame.

HOW-EVER, today was a new day and I ate as many whole and healthy foods as I could. Why? Because it makes my body feel good and because it makes ME feel good.

Breakfast of Champions= buffet a la oatmeal.

We had it in this. Woo-kit the cute wittle heart spoon and heart bowl... awww.

I chose to mix my apples in, added some walnuts, flax, raisins, smidgen of brown sugah, and a jiggle jangle of cinnamon. Hubs... added everything but the flax.

For lunch, my mom and Kuya (older brother) came to visit. Mom treated us to Carino's! Look at all the yumminess.

They serve their rosemary garlicky bread with a plate of toasted garlic CHUNKS and olive oil. It was garlicious. My Kuya got some potato soup and shared his free refills with us! I had about three spoonfuls. I had to use my will power to resist a fourth.

I behaved myself after that an ordered a salmon salad. It had capers and sun dried tomats drizzled with a lemon vinaigrette. It was ok. Hubs couldn't get enough of mine an I couldn't get enough of his pot roast! hehe

My mom got the mini meatball sammies and my brother got a panini. Some of their freshly made chips fell in my mouth.

Afterwards, I convinced my family that the best cookies in the world are made at Borders. So they had the urge to see what it was about. MWHAHAHA.... SUCCESS! BUT, karma came back to me and my snickerdoodles were sold out. CURSES! I shared a chocolate chip cookie in the rain with the hubs. Why do bad things always happen to me? :p

Since we were fueled with yummy food, we took it upon ourselves to go Christmas shopping. Happy to say I crossed one person off the list. Gotta be happy about the little things right?

How are your Christmas lists going? Almost done?

1 comment:

  1. I swear that "fun" or "cute" flatware makes everything taste better! Love the little heart bowl!


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